Wills, Power of Attorney & Estate Planning

Our legal lawyer can provide you with assistance in drafting the power of attorney documents and understanding the associated implications.

Everybody Needs to Make a Will – Don’t Delay

Wills, Power of Attorney & Estate Planning

Estate planning is a process involving the counsel of professional advisors who are familiar with your goals and concerns, your assets and how they are owned and your family structure. This can involve the services of a variety of professionals, including your lawyer, accountant, financial planner, life insurance advisor and banker.

Estate planning covers the transfer of property at death as well as a variety of other personal matters and may or may not involve tax planning. The core document most often associated with this process is your Will.

When you make a Will you can state who will inherit the things you own, name your Estate Trustee and, if needed, appoint a Guardian. If you don’t have a Will, the law states who will inherit your estate, and an Estate Trustee and Guardian (if needed) will be appointed through the court system. Your wishes, if not stated in a Will, would not be known.

Email or call the office, for a questionnaire which you can fill out in your own time and bring in for your appointment to make your Will. If appropriate, you may also decide to have Powers of Attorney for property and/or personal care prepared for you.

Key Points

  • It is important for you and your family that your documentation be in order and we make sure it is.
  • We will draft a Will and Powers of Attorney for you.
  • A will expresses your wishes should you pass away, a power of attorney for property is needed if you are living but unable to make financial decisions and a power of attorney for personal care is needed if you are living and unable to make personal care decisions.

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